This is my first ever instructional video and ‘Herbie’s Hot Tip’ uploaded on this blog, shot whilst on a job before Christmas 2013. No preps, no props or planning! It’s also, well ‘was’, a trade-secret to me and a technique which I’ve used to great effect on nearly every installation of vinyl graphics on windows or glass. When applying any type of adhesive vinyl, optimum results are achieved dependant on how well you prep and clean the surface. This simple hand-held scraper and stanley-blade cuts through the dirt, grime and paint-specks like nothing else. A cloth or squeegee aren’t as effective. This saves time, gives the best results and it’s easy for a bubble and crease-free install.
Check out the video and let me know in the comments section if it helped you. To any professional window cleaners reading, no hard feelings(!) Also, if this is the first time you’ve heard me spit my northern accent, or seen me on cam, ‘it is what it is’.
Wonderful……. I will follow your rules just for the fun.
6 years too late but here’s my reply, so sorry I missed your comment. Have fun!
ha ha – awesome must hashtag #herbiestoptip
lol let’s start a hashtag revolution #herbieshottip
this guy knows what hes talking about #trusted
hehe thanks i try to act like i do
great video
appreciated G, sharing the knowledge like you do too
appreciated G, just spreading the expertise like you do :)
nice, disqus enabled, i like :)
yup, its awesome. best comments plugin for wp after trying and giving up on others.