Cyan Poster

The ‘Find’

A friend had a recent clear-out at a call-centre and I went along to help. Noticing a bunch of six aluminium A2-sized poster frames sat in a heap, I decided to salvage them from an ‘otherwise shit’ set of circumstances and bring them back with me to ‘my lab’ (amongst other great ‘finds’!!). I instantly had a visual concept of a design that could addorn a little hallway in my place that was otherwise blank with white walls. Here goes..

The design was such that four of the frames would be used and painted the four CMYK colours, namely cyan, magenta, yellow and key (black). The design of the posters inside would reflect this. I thought it would ‘brighten-up’ my hall-way whilst ‘keeping it kreative’.

Paint-Mask, Please

Each frame was dismantled and the surfaces roughened-up with three grades of sand-paper. They then got three coats each of gloss-spray paint. The magenta was a bugger to get hold of, but in the end I opted for ‘Belton Molotow Premium’ from an online retailer. Good job, too.

Frames Sprayed

Frames Painted (this ugly pink was not the end magenta I found)

190gsm Digital Posters

Posters - ready and waiting..

Poster Design

I went for an abstract vector graphic design which would be informative yet colourful. Check it out in the pictures below. My web -address at the bottom with a small logo in the middle completed it. The posters were A2 sized and printed full colour at 1200dpi, sharper than my tongue(!)

Cyan Poster

The poster design.

The end-result

Voila-hoo-ha! The end-result, you know it's 'the shit'.

It’s brightened up my hallway and kinda reflects my personality sometimes.

Saving lost causes from ‘the chop’.

2 thoughts on “Bespoke Framed Posters – Something For ‘The Lab’

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